3 posts tagged with Office365

  • Calling dispatch_async in NativeScript

    Those of us that have been looking for a way to call in iOS environments while developing with JavaScript in the NativeScript framework have been SOL for a while. However, I am pleased to present a short and sweet solution here that saved my behind…

  • Using OAuth with NativeScript

    OAuth has been adopted my many organizations, large and small, as the (current) best standard for authenticating and authorizing their users. OAuth 2.0 being the latest iteration of the standard and it’s used to offload the burdensome security…

  • Announcing the Release of the NativeScript OAuth Plugin

    We’ve been hard at work getting the NativeScript OAuth 2 Plugin ready to work with Microsoft and Facebook accounts for a workflow that’s as streamlined as possible. The goal was to remove confusion and with the version 1.0 release, we’ve done just…

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