5 posts tagged with Tip

  • Bind to Array with Variable Index in NativeScript

    Let's say you are in a situation where you want to show the user the corresponding image when the user selects a particular SegmentedBar option in NativeScript Core. We'll use the widget to display the image, and to display the options. The…

  • How Many If Statements do You Really Need to Check for Null?

    JavaScript developers have a dirty secret: how we handle null and undefined variables in nested objects. It's no secret that as JavaScript developers we work with objects that often contain other nested objects and even arrays and primitive types…

  • How to TypeScriptify a Purely JavaScript NativeScript Project

    You've been building your NativeScript app using pure JavaScript. Maybe ES2015 or ES2017, then you're transpiling to ES5 at build time. And now, after hearing about how amazing TypeScript is, and "everybody's doing it", you're finally ready to take…

  • Easy NativeScript Network Spy Using a Custom Interceptor

    What's a simple thing all developers really want from complex, network-bound mobile app? We want to find network related actions and errors as quickly as possible, without all the headaches of setting up proxies and certificates to sniff our HTTP…

  • NativeScript Core XML Comment Blocks

    Here I was trying to comment out a large block of XML markup in my NativeScript UI code, but I had another comment right in the middle of the code I was trying to comment. Here's how I was able to do it. Note: This technique can't be used in html…

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