8 posts tagged with TypeScript

  • NativeScript Code Organization

    Larger projects will require you to keep your code well organized. Proper module referencing is key to moving files and folders around in your NativeScript apps. This post includes a video tutorial on common organization tasks you can perform to move…

  • Changing the default template in NativeScript

    Has this ever happened to you? You create a new NativeScript project and then realize that you wanted to use TypeScript? Your options are: Delete the project and recreate it using the TypeScript flag. Delete all JavaScript files, add TypeScript to…

  • How to build your very own pure JavaScript and CSS FAB in Nativescript and Angular (with videos!)

    What’s a FAB? This is a Floating Action Button that has been popularized by the Material Design paradigm. It’s a button that hovers over your content and provides a quickly accessible single function, and it’s no longer only for Android apps. Many…

  • How Many If Statements do You Really Need to Check for Null?

    JavaScript developers have a dirty secret: how we handle null and undefined variables in nested objects. It's no secret that as JavaScript developers we work with objects that often contain other nested objects and even arrays and primitive types…

  • How to TypeScriptify a Purely JavaScript NativeScript Project

    You've been building your NativeScript app using pure JavaScript. Maybe ES2015 or ES2017, then you're transpiling to ES5 at build time. And now, after hearing about how amazing TypeScript is, and "everybody's doing it", you're finally ready to take…

  • TypeScript and Class Components in NativeScript-Vue

    The time that we've all been waiting for has finally come. Ok, maybe the time that I've been waiting for... Big News NativeScript-Vue finally got TypeScript support! Here is the pull request by Manuel Saelices that made it possible. This news is…

  • NativeScript-Vue Class Components Examined

    Using class components in NativeScript-Vue with TypeScript? You need to know these five things. Warning: strong personal opinions follow, but there is no swearing ;) Right Direction Class Component Scaffolding Five Things About Class Components in…

  • NativeScript Vue Manual Routing Function Typings

    NativeScript Vue Manual Routing Function Typing This tutorial will show you how to avoid TypeScript compilation errors when using NativeScript-Vue routing functions along with your TypeScript class-based components. TL;DR If you prefer a video…

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