Building Cross Platform Native Mobile Applications with NativeScript Pluralsight Course

If you’re just starting out with NativeScript and you love learning by watching videos, Alex Ziskind has course on Pluralsight to get you…

Take control of your career. Build JavaScript mobile apps.

If you’re just starting out with NativeScript and you love learning by watching videos, Alex Ziskind has course on Pluralsight to get you started. You can find the course here

Course Introduction

Course Description

Want to learn how to build native apps easily with free tools? This course introduces web developers to NativeScript, an open source framework for building native iOS and Android apps. First, you’ll see the initial installation of NativeScript and configuring the modern open source Node.js-based ecosystem. The app that you will be building is a native mobile app developed for a fictitious company, RPS, to help its conference attendees view the conference schedule and create their own agendas. You will be guided through the app development process by seeing reasons behind each choice made to implement a feature, as if the author was an employee of RPS that was tasked with building the conference app. In each module, you’ll be introduced to a new concept by implementing an app feature. By the end of this course, you’ll be better prepared to tackle a full implementation of a real native app using freely available tooling.


This course is for web developers who are already proficient with TypeScript and CSS, and who want to learn how to use their existing skills to write native mobile apps for iOS and Android leveraging the NativeScript framework. This course is for beginners so no prior experience with NativeScript is required.

Course Link

Building Cross Platform Native Mobile Applications with NativeScript


Course Introduction
1 Overview
2 Introduction to NativeScript
3 How NativeScript works
4 NativeScript documentation and resources
5 Completed course application preview
Configuring the Development Environment
1 Configuration Introduction
2 iOS prerequisites (5 min)
3 Android prerequisites (10 min)
4 NativeScript CLI
5 Visual Studio Code editor hints for NativeScript
6 Summary
Core Concepts
1 Creating the app skeleton
2 Adding TypeScript capabilities
3 Defining Pages
4 Setting Initial Page
5 Organizing app assets
6 MVVM architecture
7 Navigation basics
8 Observables
9 Installing dependencies
10 Accessing Native APIs with JavaScript
11 Testing the app using an emulator and device
12 Summary
UI Basics
1 UI Introduction
2 Layouts
3 Components
4 Property Binding
5 Event Binding
6 Expressions in Bindings
7 Responding to Gestures
8 CSS Styling
9 Summary
Working with Data
1 Using faker.js to generate sample data
2 Storing user data locally
3 Fetching data with HTTP
4 Summary
Enhanced Navigation
1 Topmost Frame
2 Navigate by Page Name
3 Navigate using a Function
4 Context Passing
5 Navigate without History
6 Clear History
7 Navigation Transitions
8 Custom Transitions (just the intro, detail is out of scope)
9 Going Back
10 Modal Pages
11 Summary
1 Animations Introduction
2 AnimationDefinition Interface
3 Animation Class
4 View.animate method
5 Animation curves
6 Chaining with Promises
7 Summary
Course Summary
1 Conclusion

Alex lives in Washington, DC. He's a speaker, trainer, and a Telerik Developer Expert. He's been invloved in NativeScript projects since 2015 and has created courses for Pluralsight, LinkedIn, and Coursera.

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Take control of your career. Build JavaScript mobile apps.