NativeScript Core XML Comment Blocks

Here I was trying to comment out a large block of XML markup in my NativeScript UI code, but I had another comment right in the middle of…

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Here I was trying to comment out a large block of XML markup in my NativeScript UI code, but I had another comment right in the middle of the code I was trying to comment. Here's how I was able to do it.

Note: This technique can't be used in html files. It is only for NativeScript Vanilla projects.


We all know we can comment like this in an XML file

<!-- comment -->

But what can you do if there is a big block of code you want to comment that has other comments inside it? For example, how do you comment the entire block of code below?

 <!-- comment -->
 <Label />

You can’t easily comment out the whole block.


There are two ways to solve this problem.

Method 1

When you write your comment, you can write it inside comment blocks

<?comment Write comment here ?>

Here's what it looks like when used inside a NativeScript XML file

 <?comment comment here ?>
 <Label />

Now you can easily comment out large blocks of code.

Method 2

Alternatively you can comment out large blocks of code by simply surrounding it in the comment tag, and still continue to use your regular way of writing XML comments

 <!-- comment -->
 <Label />

Those are two ways to comment out large blocks of code with other comments inside it in Vanilla NativeScript.

Let me know if you enjoyed this tip on Twitter @MultiShiv19, and what else you'd like to see me write about here.

Shiva lives in Bangalore, India. He's a speaker, trainer, NativeScript Developer Expert and a Partner at He is an Angular Evangelist and a Machine Learning Enthusiast.

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