3 posts tagged with Core

  • NativeScript Enterprise Auth Course Released

    How do we secure our enterprise mobile applications? We’re happy to announce that we now have a video course that shows how to do just that. Securing enterprise applications has always been a challenge, and single sign-on used to be the holy grail…

  • NativeScript Hands-on UI Course

    We’re ready to create our new NativeScript app, but we just need to know how to do it. Many people that are coming to NativeScript after being web developers or from other frameworks like Cordova are initially just trying to be as productive as…

  • Is Your NativeScript App Secure?

    You've built a mobile app. But is it secure? There are many resources out there for learning how to do great things with NativeScript, whether it's UI, or animations, or performance. These are all important things to know. There is one are that's…

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