4 posts tagged with JavaScript

  • Using Native Libraries in Your NativeScript Apps

    When developing a NativeScript app, you might run into a situation where you really need to use a native library that's you've already written, or a library that someone else has already made available as an open source project, for example. Should…

  • Fonts in NativeScript – Yes You Can

    Did you know that you could use your own fonts in NativeScript? You're not stuck with the default Helvetica that you see every label and button use out of the box. This post show you how to see what fonts are available on iOS devices, how to use…

  • How Many If Statements do You Really Need to Check for Null?

    JavaScript developers have a dirty secret: how we handle null and undefined variables in nested objects. It's no secret that as JavaScript developers we work with objects that often contain other nested objects and even arrays and primitive types…

  • How to TypeScriptify a Purely JavaScript NativeScript Project

    You've been building your NativeScript app using pure JavaScript. Maybe ES2015 or ES2017, then you're transpiling to ES5 at build time. And now, after hearing about how amazing TypeScript is, and "everybody's doing it", you're finally ready to take…

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