13 posts tagged with Mobile

  • Using NativeScript with Azure Mobile Services

    NativeScript is a shiny new cross-platform mobile development framework that I'm exploring and comparing to existing frameworks. One common task that we have to do as developers is to connect mobile apps to far away data storage. These days Backend…

  • NativeScript - Changing the iOS Simulator Device

    Have you been trying to run a NativeScript app in an iOS simulator other than iPhone 4s? There is a sorely missed parameter on the run and emulate commands that specifies what device to simulate. While the NativeScript team is busy working on more…

  • Using Native Libraries in Your NativeScript Apps

    When developing a NativeScript app, you might run into a situation where you really need to use a native library that's you've already written, or a library that someone else has already made available as an open source project, for example. Should…

  • NativeScript Apps with Azure Mobile Services – Part 2

    In this continuation of the topic of using NativeScript with Azure Mobile Services, I show how you can use the open sourced iOS library that the Azure team has put together in your NativeScript apps to access the full gamut of functionality that the…

  • Using All the Pixels on iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in NativeScript

    So you've got your NativeScript app up and running and noticed that it looks a bit strange on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. What's going on? Why is the iPhone scaling my app up and not showing it in fully iPhone 6 glory? When you deploy your…

  • Observing Observables in NativeScript

    If you are coming from the web world, you'll find that NativeScript observables are a little different than the ES6 observables and observables found in pre ES6 day libraries like Knockout. The big difference is that instead of observing a property…

  • Creating a Scalable Label in NativeScript

    There are a few basic UI modules that come with NativeScript. Some of them, like the Label, offer a few simple features like styling and text wrapping, while the native iOS label allows you to do much more. Did you know that you could extend the…

  • Fonts in NativeScript – Yes You Can

    Did you know that you could use your own fonts in NativeScript? You're not stuck with the default Helvetica that you see every label and button use out of the box. This post show you how to see what fonts are available on iOS devices, how to use…

  • Four Methods for Dynamic Backgrounds in NativeScript

    You might be thinking that backgrounds are a pretty simple thing to set on your views, and you're right! NativeScript provides methods for us to set background images as element attributes in the XML as well as set backgrounds though CSS. However…

  • NativeScript.org Blog Post on Calcu{N}ator

    I wanted to build a little calculator app in NativeScript and make it resemble the iOS calculator. Not that we need another calculator out in the world, but I thought it would be a great way to show off some of NativeScript's less known abilities (at…

  • It's Finally Here! NativeScript Animated Side Menu

    A navigation pattern for mobile apps that is still pretty hot at the time of this writing is a side drawer that playfully slides out like the one in the Telerik NEXT app. Or a navigation page that gets revealed as main content slides out of the way…

  • Debugging NativeScript Apps in iOS Simulator

    Let's face it, deploying to a device just to have the ability to debug your NativeScript app is so 4 months ago. I just wanted to write a quick entry on debugging a NativeScript app while running it on the iOS simulator. So hopefully searching for…

  • Look Ma, No Templates!

    or: How I learned to stop worrying and love writing NativeScript apps from scratch Our baby is all grown up and s/he wants to write nativescript apps without using the template! How does our baby do that and where does s/he start? Read on… Versions…

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